What system will the games be running on? PS4, PS4 Pro, XBOX One, XBOX X, or PC?
We’re still waiting for the NBA 2k league office to release that information.

What are the goals for this league?
We want to ensure a balanced gaming environment where playing skills will be paramount.

Where will the games be played?
Teams will compete on site at a live studio at a specific location. The location of the studio hasn’t been released yet.

Once a player is drafted are they allowed to create their own avatar?
Yes, players will create and use their own avatar in the game.

What do the Milwaukee Bucks offer to players?
Players that are drafted into the league will be offered salaries, housing, gaming products, and other amenities.

What is the age requirement?
18 years old by January 1, 2018.

How are players going to be scouted?
A combine/try out mode will be released in the near future which will allow everyone to try out for the NBA 2k League.

What abilities, outside of 2k, will NBA teams look for in potential players?
Strong moral character, great competitor, well-rounded skill set, and a team player.

When does the season start?
The season is slated to start in May 2018

When does the season end?
The regular season will wrap up around the beginning of August. Playoffs will run through two weeks in August and wrap up with Finals.

Is there a post season?
Yes, playoffs will start in August 2018.

Are there home and road games? — do teams travel
Teams will travel to a studio where they will compete in-person vs. their opponents. Games will be broadcast. Stay tuned for more details.

Do the players wear uniforms?
Players will wear league branded apparel.

Answers from the with NBA 2K League Commissioner
Reddit AMA – reddit.com/r/nba2k

How will the basic format be held, for things such as tryouts, practices, games, and official matches?

– The first stage of qualifying for the NBA 2K League will take place from Jan. 1-31

– Players need to win 50 games in NBA 2K18’s Pro-Am mode and complete an online application by January 31

– The January qualifying stage is open to anyone around the world who has a copy of NBA 2K18 (PlayStation 4 or Xbox One) and is 18 or older

– Players can compete as a walk-on, part of a team or a combination

– Winning more than 50 games does not increase a player’s standing

Will the NBA 2K league take place in a separate, unreleased as of now game mode? (Possibly by the construction area by the Walk-On arena?)
Yes, we're building a balanced environment for the NBA 2K League.

For individual teams, will the players be potentially living in a gaming house environment? I assume that the players will be living in the city which they play for?
Players will be provided housing in the city where they're drafted. Teams will determine their local playing environment.

Will there be a true draft, similar to the NBA Draft? And will that be aired publicly?
Yes, we will have a live draft for teams to select their players.

What are your ideas to create parity in the league? How are you going to determine the fairness of the teams in terms of each player’s avatar?
Parity will be created through balanced characters and constant analysis of the meta.

When it comes to selecting players for a team, are franchises going to look for skill or notoriety?
Skill is paramount. Players will not qualify based solely on social followers or marketability.

How will managers determine the top 85 through a tryout mode where role player’s stats don’t compliment their value to the team or doesn’t show their IQ of the game?
February will involve more in-depth analysis than just basic stats such as ppg. For the month of January, all you have to focus on is winning 50 Pro-Am games and filling out the online application.

Will you most likely need to show up to a live event in order to get participate in the tryout?
You will be able to try out from the comfort of your own home and we're committed to equal opportunity for everyone.

What happens after the tryout is completed?
January will be about commitment and grinding which is why we've set 50 as the minimum. In February we'll be evaluating player’s skills.

When is the draft?
There will be a draft in March where all 17 teams will select their players.

How much is the base salary for the first year of the NBA 2K League?
Players will be paid a competitive, guaranteed salary, along with housing and benefits. In addition, players will have the opportunity to earn additional incentives during the season.

How can I achieve my 50 wins?
Your 50 wins can be captured as a walk-on or with a team, or a combination of the two.

What are the goals for this league?
We want to ensure a balanced gaming environment where playing skills will be paramount.

Where can I get more updates?
Follow @NBA2KLeague for league updates